วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2553

ชุมชนคริสตชนพื้นฐาน อัครสังฆมณฑลท่าแร่ – หนองแสง

ชุมชนคริสตชนพื้นฐาน อัครสังฆมณฑลท่าแร่ – หนองแสง
โดย คุณพ่อธัญญา ศรีอ่อน
อัครสังฆมณฑลท่าแร่ – หนองแสง โดยพระคุณเจ้าจำเนียร สันติสุขนิรันดร์ ได้ประกาศให้งานชุมชนคริสตชนพื้นฐาน (Basic Ecclesial Community) เป็นนโยบายหลักในการฟื้นฟูชีวิตคริสตชนตามประกาศของสภาพระสังฆราชคาทอลิกแห่งประเทศไทย และได้มีการก่อตั้งชุมชนคริสตชนพื้นฐานในทุกเขตวัดโดยใช้วิธีการของ AsIPA ในการอบรมและดำเนินกิจกรรมกลุ่ม เริ่มดำเนินกิจกรรมกลุ่มในวันเสาร์ที่ 30 กันยายน 2006 ด้วยความร่วมมือของทุกฝ่าย ทั้งพระสงฆ์ นักบวชชาย-หญิง สัตบุรุษจากทุกวัด ในการเอาใจใส่ดูแลให้งานที่ได้เริ่มแล้วนี้ได้เจริญเติบโต
ในบริบทของชุมชนภาคอีสานโดยเฉพาะในอัครสังฆมณฑลท่าแร่ – หนองแสง คริสตชนจะอยู่รวมกันเป็นชุมชน มีความสัมพันธ์ที่ดีต่อกัน มีความเป็นน้ำหนึ่งใจเดียวกันเป็นทุนอยู่แล้ว เมื่อได้นำชุมชนคริสตชนพื้นฐานมาเป็นวิถีของชุมชนก็จะทำให้ชุมชนนั้นเข้มแข็งขึ้น เพราะมีการนำพระวาจามาเป็นหลักในการดำเนินชีวิต มีการเสริสสร้างความเชื่อของกันและกันด้วยการแบ่งปันประสบการณ์แห่งความเชื่อแก่กันและกัน เมื่อมองไปข้างหน้าจะพบว่าโดยอาศัยวิธีการนี้จะทำให้งานอภิบาลทุกอย่างดำเนินไปได้และบังเกิดผล เพราะนี่เป็นงานของพระเจ้าและพระศาสนจักรส่งเสริม

ศีลมหาสนิท บ่อเกิดชีวิตจิตหนึ่งเดียว

ศีลมหาสนิท บ่อเกิดชีวิตจิตหนึ่งเดียว

เรียบเรียงโดย คุณพ่อธัญญา ศรีอ่อน

ในสภาพสังคมปัจจุบันที่เปลี่ยนแปลงไป ไม่ว่าชุมชนคริสตชนในสังคมเมืองและชนบท กำลังได้รับอิทธิพลต่าง ๆ จากสังคม และสิ่งแวดล้อมต่าง ๆ ทำให้ความสัมพันธ์ต่าง ๆ แบบครอบครัว ได้เปลี่ยนแปลงไป ทำให้ชุมชนต่าง ๆ รวมถึงชุมชนคริสตชนด้วยมีปัญหาเช่น คริสตชนต่างคนต่างอยู่ ไม่ยึดพระวาจาเป็นหลักในการดำเนินชีวิต การดำเนินชีวิตเป็นพยานถึงพระเจ้าไม่เด่นชัด มีความรู้พระคัมภีร์น้อย มีส่วนร่วมในงานอภิบาล พิธีกรรมน้อย และคุณค่าทางสังคม ศาสนา ครอบครัว ถูกทำลายและถูกแทนที่ด้วยความเห็นแก่ตัว สุขนิยม และวัตถุนิยม



                   This book presents a vision of the Church that understands herself wholly from the standpoint of the Kingdom, find her identity in the presence of the Kingdom now and see her mission entirely in the service of the Kingdom.
                   First, the Church is the community where the Kingdom is now experienced and celebrated and where the future fulfilment of God’s great design for creation already dawns. She is the community where the future life with the Triune God is already happening in hidden but real sign, for it is an icon of the Trinity.
                   Second, the Church is for the Kingdom because her mission is totally geared to witness and proclaim it.
                   In our time the Church in Vatican II realized how necessary it was to go back once again and open herself to that fire of the Master so that the world may come to believe. The Council presented a vision of the Church that will remain a challenge for many years to come. New challenges arise and new models of how to conceive Church have to be sought and developed if she wants to remain faithful to her Master’s message.
                   Today the Church faces two big challenges: (1) how to make the Kingdom of God understood in the different cultures of the world and (2) how to live Jesus’ own life principle of justice and compassion in a world where the poor are getting poorer and the few rich are getting richer.
          This book presents some models of Church in response to these challenges.

The two Models for the Future Church:
Basic Ecclesial Communities and Contrast Society

The first Model: Basic Ecclesial Communities

What is a Basic Ecclesial Community?
For practical reasons I would like to give definition of BEC according to the Council of the Conference of Brazilian Bishops in a statement issued in 1982:

 Basic Christians communities are formed by families, adults and youth, in a tight interpersonal relationship of faith …they celebrate the word of God and are nourished by the Eucharist … they enjoy solidarity and a common commitment.. They are cells of a greater community

Qualities of Basic Ecclesial Community

1) A community in which the poor of the society feel at home, are   free to express themselves and are able to contribute to life of others.
2) A community where there is no class distinction.

3) A community where the mission to the world is seen as the responsibilities of the whole community as such and not of the laity as distinct from the clergy.

4) The mission to the work is undertaken with sensitivity and in an openness to those not of the community. There is an awareness that the Church does not possess all the answers but can suggest some solutions through listening to the Word of God and being open to the Spirit.

Four Marks of Basic Ecclesial Community.
BEC can be recognized by their four marks:
1)    They meet in their homes. They rotate their place of gathering so that each has a turn in hosting the group. The meeting need to be held on a basis – you cannot form community by meeting once a year. Usually the core members gather once a week, or once a fortnight.
2)    The most important activity of their meting is gospel sharing. Through common reflection and sharing they meet the son of Jesus Himself.
3)    The members of a Small Christian Community look to and another’s needs.
4)    Each Small Christian Community is in unity with the universal Church
In short, we should say: an SCC community is a caring, sharing, faith-reflecting, praying and serving community in which ongoing Christian formation takes place.

The Second Model: the Church as Contrast Society

The Early Church as “Contrast Society
There are a number of texts, particularly in the writings of St. Paul we can see the Church as the Contrast Society where all are equal and class distinction exist no more.
          So there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles, between slaves and free men, between men and women; you are all one in union with Christ, (Gal 3:28)
          The group of he believers was one in mind and heart. No one said that any of his belongings was his own, but they all shared with one another everything they had”. (Acts 4:32)
          it is obvious from these texts that the Church is intended to transcend all other bases of unity such as being of the some race, sharing the same occupation or economic status, adhering to a particular political doctrine, belonging to a certain social class, sharing the same level of educational attainment.
          The political novelty which God brings into the world is a community of those who serve instead of ruling, who suffer instead of inflicting suffering, whose fellowship crosses social lines instead of reinforcing them. This mew Christian community, in which the walls are broken down not by human idealism or democratic legalism but by the work of Christ, is not only a vehicle of the Gospel or fruit of the Gospel ; it is Good News. It is not merely the agent of mission or the constituency of a mission agency. This is the mission.
          The two major challenges the Church faces today are enculturation and solidarity with the poor.
          The Christian faith must incarnate itself into deferent cultures at the grass roots so that people can experience and celebrate god’s love and concern for them in their own values and customs and so come to know what God has in store for them.
          All humans are brothers and sisters bound together by a basic human solidarity, in today’s world where this truth seems to get black- holed by economic and political values that extol competitiveness and success as ultimate determining social reality , the Church must offer different view of society in which all those who cannot complete will be regarded first as brothers and sisters in a society in which the ultimate values will be compassion and justice. Those are the values which Jesus chose and died for in order to bring God’s dream of a society into the world: the great community where everyone counts and everyone is brother or sister to the other, the Church today must become a “contrast society” where the values of the Kingdom count and are not compromised for other values no matter how appealing these values may be presented.
          Like Joseph of Arimathea we need to take the poor from the cross on which they are nailed. Even more, we can no more allow any such inhumanity be done to the weaker ones whom God loves in a special way. And that brings to my mind the challenging words of Ashok Mehta:
“If it is the claim of the Christians that even to this day they feel the agony of Christ on the cross whenever humanity suffers, as it were, it has to be proved in action, not by any statement”.
          As Johannes B. Metz the only real dowry the Christian faith can give to the world is the Church’s compassion for suffering humanity.
There is only one way to keep these two issues alive at all times in the Church: we must return to Jesus’ own life principle and to his message of the Kingdom. We must embrace all cultures. We must always and primarily preach the Good News to the poor.

Sri-On  Thanya Mt. 16490 
Urbaniana Universita
Facolta di Missiologia

BEC Thare and Nongseng

On the special occasion  September 30,2006, Archbishop Louis Chamnian  Santisuknirandr, Archbishop of Thare-Nongsaeng inaugurated  that BEC was the most significant instrument for pastoral work and renewal Christian life, closer to God through the Word of God, participation, sharing and help each other in their families and communities. It meant to deepen the commitment of all Christians to interior renewal for the sake of a stronger and more incisive witness to the Gospel in today’s world,

We started our work by sending the some leaders to Singapore and Malaysia to learn about BEC and when they came back to Thailand they set up training program for leaders to be developed further more, in the fields of knowledge and skills in various level, national level, local level and cell level.

Consideration, having enough efficient leaders. We focus on small communities or cells by using AsIPA method. At the beginning we have 443 cells (10-15 families for one cell) and 431 at the present because of some problems we find on the way.

At present time, some problems are remain such as; how to increase the skills, the knowledge and the profound understanding in the work of the BEC of leaders, how to increase participation of the members in their groups etc.

However, The Central Commission of the Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) of the Archdiocese of Thare-Nongsaeng is responsible for the administration, the continuity and the progress of the BEC. It tries to find out the answers for problems mentioned above by setting intensive training program for leaders, visiting the cells and families, radio broadcasting, publishing and evaluation the work, the problems the obstacles and the defects of the BEC together once a month.

It is hoped that after working hard throughout the Year 2009 and the help of the
Holy Spirit, the BEC of the Archdiocese of Thare-Nongseng will greatly progress.

Pray for us